Monday, June 16, 2014

Life's Greatest Lessons : Life's Greatest Lessons : Life's Greatest Lessons ...

Life's Greatest Lessons : Life's Greatest Lessons : Life's Greatest Lessons ...: Life's Greatest Lessons s Life's Greatest Lessons : Online Book Reflection/J... : Life's Greatest Lessons : Online Book Reflecti...

1.  It's important to be able to laugh at ourselves.  We  "have" all done stupid, klutzy, harebrained things.  We are going to do a lot more of them.  People who know how to laugh at themselves will always be entertained.

2.  We have choices!  Some people never realize that fact.  People make excuses for not taking advantage of life's opportunities.  We live by choices, not by chance.  "Don't make excuses, make improvements" is a poster I put on my classroom wall.  The other poster is "You are responsible for your own actions".

3.  Attitude is choice.  How one thinks about events is far more important than the events themselves.  We can direct our thoughts to work for us or work against us.

4.  It's easy to take people, things, and freedom for granted, especially if we have never been without them.  We sometimes complain about little things other people would be happy about.

5.  Goals are dreams with deadlines!  Living without goals is like going on a trip without a destination.  If you don't know where you're going you probably end up nowhere, and "any" road will get you there.

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